Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Not Fun

Can it really be October already?  Where does the time go?

There I was at work, waiting to use the computer, when I yawned so wide I think I dislocated my jaw.  OK, not really, but it was an eyepopping yawn.

"You're up in here still asleep!" said one of my nearby coworkers.

"I didn't sleep well at all last night," I replied.  

Oh, the night started out good.  I fell asleep pretty quickly, but was awakened along about 10:00 with horrific muscle spasms in my back.  I don't know what I did to cause them, but I was in agony.  I took some Tylenol and rubbed some Absorbine, Jr on it-- as best I could.  The spasms were right below my shoulder blades where it's very hard to reach by yourself.  They didn't seem to help much, but eventually I drifted off to sleep. 

Alas, that alarm still went off at 3:30, and the muscle spasms were still going.  Just a note:  I always set two alarms-- one on my phone, and one on my clock radio.  The reason for this is because when I silence the alarm on my phone, sometimes I fall back to sleep.  When the clock radio goes off, having the radio playing keeps this from happening.  I used to use just my clock radio alarm, but sometimes the radio station is off the air, and when it goes off there is only silence. 

One time when Cody was a teenager, this happened, and I slept on and on, until he knocked at my bedroom door and asked, "Mom, are you going to work today?"  I looked at the clock and it was ten minutes until 7:00.  Oh no!  I jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes and flew out the door.  I made it to work about 10 minutes late, but I made it. 

Ever since then, I've set myself a backup alarm.  I don't know why I told you all of that, I guess because the radio station was off the air this morning, and it reminded me of that. 

Anyway, that's neither here nor there.  I got up and went to work, dealing with the muscle spasms all day long.  At one point, they got so bad, I seriously considered coming home, but I didn't.  I stuck it out and made it through the day.  The spasms seem to start settling down some after lunch, but haven't completely gone away. 

And to every older-than-me person at whom I used to roll my eyes because all they did was complain about their aches and pains...I get it now.  I totally get it now.  

That's not all...now, I have a ripping headache.  Why?  Because when I got home from work, I had to go and update all my auto drafts and such to my new checking account.  Which was a headache in itself, but I think I got everything changed over except my water bill.  I'll have to stop by the water office tomorrow and pick up a form to fill out for that.  I kept telling myself to stop today, but I just felt so bad I drove right on past them.  Also, I need to get my direct deposit changed as well.  The bank is re-directing my deposit to the new account, but I still need to update my information with HR.  I went up this morning and got the form.  I just need to fill it out and take it back in.  Once I'm done with that, I think that will be everything.  

After all that, I think I'm going to take it easy for the rest of the day and watch Halloween Wars.  
