Saturday, September 10, 2022

Random Thoughts While I Watch Football

1.  I got up this morning and went to our town's 18th annual Downtown Jubilee.  I didn't stay long, because Alabama vs. Texas kicked off at 11:00.  I always like going to that one, because it's not as hot as Thunder On Water in June.  They had the usual food and craft booths, but the only thing I bought was a wind chime. 

I'd been wanting one of these kinds for ages -- the kind that sound like the bell on a buoy -- but hadn't even gotten one.  This one was a good price, and I like the tone of it.  I tried to get a video, but it didn't work out.  

2.  The guy selling those had lots of metalwork signs and things, but I didn't get any of them. 

I wanted the USN anchor at the bottom, and the circular one in the middle, but the vendor had a strict cash only policy, and I just didn't have enough cash on hand to get either of those.  I sure didn't have enough to get the signs and the windchime, even though I thought the prices were very reasonable for handmade goods.

3.  One of the maintenance men came to work Thursday with a t-shirt that read "I'm only here because you broke something".  

4.  A few weeks ago, we had some very important visitors come to the plant.  Watching all the front office people fussing and fretting about it like they were, I turned to my coworker and said, "I wonder what's got them all pooping their pants like that."  She replied, "We've got company coming next week."  I said, "Oh, I know that.  But who is it that's coming?  Queen Elizabeth?"  

5.  I missed the Harvest Moon rise last night because of the cloud cover.  I was hoping it would clear off today, so I would see it tonight, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.  It's been drizzly and rainy since about noon yesterday.  It's good in a way, because I put some of my Scott's Turf builder down yesterday morning, and it needed to be watered in. This long, slow rain we've been getting is just perfect for that. 

6.  The car show at the Downtown Jubilee was kind of thin this year, but they still had some nice cars.  I think this one was my favorite. 

7.  By the way, if I use half a blog post to tell you that Jesse is doing much better, then you ask in a comment if Jesse is doing any better, that's a sure sign you don't actually read my blog.  

8.  A few weeks ago, when we were having all those heavy, driving rains, I moved my Whatever cacti into the carport so they wouldn't be beaten into mush.   They look so much better here than they have in years!

A couple of the leaves look a bit sunburned, but overall, they look so much healthier.  I think I might put them here next spring instead of by my back door.  I'll have to keep an eye on it to make sure it's not getting too much direct sunlight, but for now, I'm leaving them here. 

9.  Please tell me I'm not the only one who sees the irony in a Dentist office having a bowl of candy on its table. 

10.  That's it for today.  I've got football to watch, and I need my computer to do so.  I'll catch you later.  


Amnicon Studio said...

The candy bowl isn't ironic *at all!* Ha ha ha ha ha! I swear, we are so ingrained to have candy bowls at vending events. Something to bring the people.

I like your wind chime. It's pretty neat looking. Are you going to have a video of it blowing in the wind so we all can hear? :-)

To show how much I pay attention to football I discovered right before kick off that there was a packer game. Not that I watched. I'm not much of a football fan, sad to say. Not really ;-). I think all Wisconsinites are decreed packer fans at birth, though.

Becky G said...

I tried to get a video of the windchime, but it didn't work out. I'm sure there'll be a windy day here soon so I can film it. It has such a lovely sound to it.

Heh, I watched the Packer game, and I'm not even a fan. Cowboys didn't play until Sunday night, so I watched what was on to fill the time.

Amnicon Studio said...

Bummer about the wind chime video. In due time. :-)

I don't know how the Packer game went. Ha ha ha ha! I'll have to look it up.