Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dentists And Deer

Last January, the plant switched us to this alternate schedule, where we work 6-4 Monday through Thursday.  Thing about it is, it is so hard to make appointments, since most doctors and/or dentists don't make them after 4:00 or so.  My dentist won't make them after 4:15. 

The last couple of appointments I had, it was horrible trying to get out of the plant, out of the parking lot, then driving like a mad woman into town to make it to his office on time.  I had an appointment for today, but as soon as the new year started, I put in for half day off so I wouldn't have to go through all that madness. 

Once my day was approved, I thought about calling and asking them if they had an earlier time slot available, but you know me and phones.  I put it off, and put it off, until it was really too late.  I got off work at 11:00, and had a few hours to kill until time to leave.  First thing I did was to build a little fire in my stove.  Well, first thing I did was to eat a bite of lunch.  Then I built a little fire in my stove. 

It didn't take long until the house was nice and toasty warm.  It also didn't take long until I was settled in with episodes of Escape To The Country and wishing I didn't have to go to the dentist.   However, dental checkups are a necessary evil, so off to the office I went. 

My checkup went well, for a change!  No cavities.  No broken teeth.  No yay for me!

I've got a bit of bad news.  It would seem my dishwasher has given up the ghost.  Let's all take a moment of silence to remember this faithful appliance. 

Farewell, fair dishwasher.  I hardly knew ye.

It was always the appliance I'd planned on replacing first, because I never really liked it.  It didn't do a very good job cleaning my dishes at all.  Now that the moment is upon me, however, I'm wondering if I really need a dishwasher for just one person.  Maybe I'll get one a little later, and I'll definitely replace it eventually, but for now, I'm going to just hand wash the few little dishes I use. 

The trick is making myself do it, instead of just piling them in my sink. 

Finally, I managed to get a snapshot of three of my deer, just as the neighbor's little fuzzball dog started chasing them.

I had five of them out there.  I'm pretty sure one of my does is definitely pregnant again.  Oooh, it'll be so fun having babies around again! 

I can hardly wait.

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