Monday, August 06, 2018

A Fortuitous Turn Of Events

I woke up bright and early this morning, and started getting ready for work.  When I turned on my water to wash my face, alas, I had no water pressure. My first thought was I'd better go out and check my meter.  Now, the last time this happened, I'd thought something was wrong at the water office and I blew it off. That evening, I came home from work to a busted pipe, a flooded yard, and a $165 water bill -- not to mention a $250 plumber bill. 

So, there I was at 3:00 AM in the yard, in my nightgown, checking my water meter with a flashlight.

Funny how things work out.  A few weeks ago, I -- for some reason unbeknownst to me -- had looked into my meter box.  It was so full of dirt and mud I couldn't even see my shut off valve.  It was completely buried.  I couldn't have shut off my water if my life depended on it.  When I took my vacation last week -- you know, when I was supposed to have gotten my tooth pulled --I got out there with my trowel and dug all that mud out. 

While I was doing that, one of my neighbors walked by and said, "You know they don't even read those meters any more.  Remember when they came out and put those new meters on?  Now they just drive by and stick a wand out and read it that way." 

I said, "That must have been before I moved here."

He said, "Nooooo...." 

I didn't know what he was talking about, because I still had the same old meter that had been here since I moved in.  I just kept on digging and soon had my shut-off valve free of the mud. 

Which brings me back to this morning...3:00 my nightgown...all prepared to shut off my water, only my meter wasn't moving.  Good news, the problem was on their side.  I finished getting ready for work, and left right on time.   I passed the water office on the way to the plant, and sure enough, the men and the trucks were out there, fixing whatever had gone wrong.  I came home to a fully pressured water once again.

The good news is, Cody made it here safe and sound.  He is still working for Home Depot, but they let him transfer to a store up in Collierville.  He'll be commuting -- yes 98 miles every working day-- until he can get a second job and get a place up there.  His first day is tomorrow.  Yes, tomorrow. 

In a fortuitous turn of events, I just happen to have a vacation day tomorrow. 

I don't know what that has to do with Cody's new job, but there it is.  And this picture doesn't have anything to do with anything, but I need a photo to pin it. 

So there it is.

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