Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Whiskers On Wednesday

For today's Whiskers On Wednesday, I present to you my very dirty kitty with her very dirty whiskers.

As cats age, they tend to become less diligent in their personal grooming.  I first noticed it about a year ago, when she developed this perpetually dirty spot in the middle of her chest.  I suspect it was from her folding her paws underneath her as she dozed. 

I tried to use a dry type shampoo, but it just didn't cut it.  I had to start bathing her, which she does not like. 

Soon, I began to hear a clicking sound as she walked, because they also stop scratching and their claws grow long.  I had to start trimming them, which she does not like. 

And her fur is matted, which I comb, but can't seem to keep up with, and her feet are dirty and she smells like her litter box. 

But she's still the queen in this house, and she always will be. 

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