Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday Mayhem

The mayhem hit full force the moment I walked in the door, and not just the usual pig sty that the previous shift had left in my work area.  That's an every day thing.

No, it was much more than that.

The other brazer hadn't shown up, so I was over there by myself.  The first thing I had to deal with was an order that the shift we aren't allowed to hold accountable for anything had brazed up wrong.  I had to straighten that out before I could even begin my own work, so I was behind from the get go.

Then, every single order I tried to braze had at least one adapter tube either bent wrong, or missing, or the wrong adapter tube had been pulled-- and don't mean one single leg.  I mean the entire order was wrong.  There was a point in my day in which I had 4 different orders sitting on the floor waiting for parts to be re-done.

As if that weren't trouble enough, I tried to hang up my brazing tip, and the thingy that is supposed to make the fire stop burning didn't make the fire stop burning.  I called Supervisor and showed him.  He shook his head and said, "You're being a lot of trouble today."

I said, "I know.  Maybe I should just go back home."

He laughed.  I didn't.

Since the other brazer hadn't come in, I just hopped on over to her stand and finished the day out there.  Shortly after lunch, I finally got an order that seemed to be all there and all correct.  Aaaand, the electricity on my stand went out.  It was a circuit breaker -- which tripped three more times before the day was over -- each time requiring a maintenance man to reset it.

By then, I was sure this guy was running around the plant somewhere.

To add injury to insult, a few weeks ago, I bought some new work boots.  I'd been wearing them around the house and today I decided they were broken in enough to wear to work.

I decided wrong.

By the end of the day, my feet hurt so bad, all I wanted to do was shuck those boots and sit down.  But I didn't.  I actually went into town and bought my paint.

Then I came home and ate half a bag of Hershey's kisses for supper.

Because it's just been that kind of a day.

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