I never much cared about having an ipod myself. I mean, I didn't need to carry music around with me. I could listen to it on my computer or my stereo. But then....
I started listening to podcasts. First was the Knit Picks Podcast. Then I added Sticks and String. Then came Talkin Cowboys. That was the one that did me in. There was one day last week when I was really really tired, but I really really wanted to listen to Talkin Cowboys. And I though how nice it would be to be able to lay down on my bed and still listen to it. Then I thought, what about when football season starts again and Talkin Cowboys is on every day. I don't know that I'd have time to sit and listen to it every day. It's an hour long show. I began to think that an ipod would be just the ticket, and I did have a little money left from selling my old trailer house. I began to see the benefit in having one.
The next day, when Cody got home from school, I said, "Get in the car. We're going to go get ipods."
"Really?" he said.
"Really", I said.
We got to the store, and looked at the ipods. The good ones were just a little out of our budget. I told Cody so, and he picked out Sony Walkmans.

We got home and the first thing I did was download the latest episode of Talkin Cowboys. Once I figured out how to get it onto my walkman, I went and laid down on the bed and listened to it. Since then, I've discovered the world of Podiobooks and Librivox. You can download audiobooks, for free! I've already listened to an entire book Shadowmagic, and have started another--Flores Girl: The Children God Forgot.
I'm also listening to Anne of Green Gables. Then there is the Agatha Christie Radio Mysteries series.
And I've just barely scratched the surface.
Now I want an Ipod.
I can't live without my iPod. I carry my music around with me everywhere. It's particularly handy on looong trips.
Your walkmans look great. They sound perfect for your needs!
I never thought I would be so dependent on mine, but we are inseparable.
Bwahahahaha! Welcome to the insanity!! May you enjoy every moment of the madness. You're right -- it has only just begun!!
Congratulations! I hope you enjoy the dickens out of it!!
Wait. You can listen to music on an iPod? Wow. I thought they were *just* for podcasts.
Kidding. But I listen to music about 5% of the time. The rest of the time, I'm listening to a podcast or two... hundred.
I'm glad you discovered podcasting and even happier that you've discovered Podiobooks.com and are enjoying some of the tales we make available there. Enjoy!
Evo Terra
Nice, Becky. Both of the (adult) sons have been working on me to join the 21st Century for a couple of years now, but I'm still holding out.
I have given some thought to the issue, thinking that "music on the bike" would be a pretty cool thing to have... especially after last year's trip and watching Buck groove in the mountains with his combo phone-mp3 player. Sam does the same sort of thing, too.
Still holding, tho. I don't need yet another time-waster. Or perhaps that's "time sink," not "waster."
My iPod is missing :( In the meantime I listen at the computer while I am working. If you haven't heard it yet, you might want to check out , a podcast about little stuff you can do to help the environment. Val and Dory are really funny, no pressure and their reviews of the beer and chocolate of the day are always fun.
I bought my Dad an iPod shuffle for an early Father's Day present. It works for him it is small and easy to carry around. He uses it when he runs.
I love my iPod. I can not download audio books because I have dial-up. :(
Lou, it was the audio books that did me in.
Opal, thanks.
Amy, I can see how that would happen!
Sus, thanks. You are right, it has only begun!
Evo Terra, can you believe it? Some people do use them for music. I do have a few songs on mine, but spend far more time listening to podcasts. I am loving Podiobooks!
Buck, in my case, it was more of a time liberator. Instead of being tied to my computer listening to podcasts, I can now listen while doing dishes, or laundry, or knitting, or whatever. Multi tasking, as it were. Hey, maybe there are some HOCKEY podcasts out there! There are sure plenty of football ones.
Omly, I hope you find it soon! Thanks for the link. I'll check them out.
Ashley, sorry about that. Audiobooks are great! I love 'em.
That's a Sony Walkman? Where does the cassette go? ;) Seriously, cassettes were the last time I saw a Walkman.
I actually had no idea there was an alternative to Mac's iPod; I may just have to check those out. Thanks for the rec, Bec.
Patch, oh yes. There are lots of different alternatives to iPods, in all different price ranges, too. I've seen some as low as $30-something. Of course, they only play music, not video. It just depends on what you want from one.
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