1. What is your current relationship status?

2. What is your current mood?

3. What is your favorite band/singer?

4. What is your favorite movie?

5. What kind of pets do you have?
6. Where do you live?

7. Where do you work?

8. Who do you look like?
9. What do you drive?

10. What did you do on Saturday?
11. What did you do on Sunday?
12. What is your favorite network TV Show?

13. Describe Yourself.

14. What is your favorite candy?

I'm tagging Opal, Amy, Dani, Cindy, and Sus. Robin is sort of tagged, but since I know you are on vacation, don't worry about it if you don't want to do it.
Hey! I'm still on vacation too! Don't I get an out? :-)
I didn't know your favorite show was House! I love that show. This season's finale was really something else, don't you think?
I'll play along, it looks like fun.
But Opal, it doesn't count when you have internet access! I love House. It's the only network show I watch regularly. That finale was something! I didn't like Amber, but I sure didn't wish that upon her. Why don't you come join us on our House Ravelry group?
Amy, can't wait to see your answers.
Well, some of us don't get vacation, so I have done it. Looks like we have the same favorite candy bar, Becky. :-) I posted my answers on my regular blog, which is http://windsornot.livejournal.com if you want to see how I answered.
Great answers Becky.
#11 made me hungry and #13 made me laugh. So did #2.
Well Done!
I know you better now. My 19 yr. old daughter just read you letter to Mr. O , she said you are now her hero!!
Ashley and Buck, thanks.
Diva, wow. I'm honored to be your daughter's hero!
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