Monday, September 04, 2006

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

Singer 3 The house'll be here tomorrow.
It's only a day away!!!! Wakka Wakka

We got the electrical wire run through the PVC conduit this morning, and boy was that a hard job!
Cody was a big help, laying out PVC

and helping J run the wires through it

It actually took all three of us to get that wire through there, but I couldn't get a picture of myself. Meanwhile, Squeaky watched with interest, but decided her help wasn't needed.

It has been such a pleasant day I've had my windows open all day. There has been a nice breeze that has kept the house cool despite the temperature. I haven't gotten much done today. I've been working on cleaning out the bathroom and knitted a little bit more on my scarf. I found a pattern in an old issue of Creative Knitting magazine, but I can't make it work out right. I checked the website for corrections, but there weren't any. I guess I'll have to adapt it myself.

Our spirits were a bit dampened though as we learned of the death of one of our favorite TV personalities, Steve Irwin aka The Crocodile Hunter. It's one of those things you don't want to believe--that maybe there was some mistake and it isn't real. But, no, it's like a bad dream you can't wake up from.

Rest in Peace, Steve-O. We'll miss you.

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