Wednesday, January 22, 2025

About That Cowl

Remember that cowl I've been working on?  Yeah, I only got about an inch or two further and decided I was done.  It was too long, and too skinny, and I just didn't like it.  I even pulled the needle out and pulled it on and that just put pain to it.  It was too tight and not comfortable to wear at all.  

Naturally, I did what any red blooded American would do.  I found the other end of the ball of yarn -- since I was so close to it anyway-- and cast on a new one.  

I thought about casting on 44 stiches, but I was afraid it would be too tight also, so I cast 48 stiches instead.  That was the same cast on with which I made the cowl for my friend's brother, so I think it will be good size.  My friend and her brother both loved the one I'd made him, so there is that. 

On a similar note, I've spent the last two days watching all of my friends back home posting snow pictures.  I'm a bit envious.  We didn't get a lick of snow, just mind numbing, bone chilling cold.  I did not want to get out of bed this morning, but alas, these bills won't pay themselves, so out into the cold I went. 

It was so cold, I snuck my insulated mug into the plant so my coffee would stay warmer a bit longer.  Shh, don't tell on  me. 

You know I'm talking to you.  

It was worth it.  It was so nice to be able to savor and sip my coffee instead of having to gulp it down before it gets cold -- or to just drink it cold, which is what I usually do.  I just wish they'd get as bent out of shape over the real problems this company faces as they do about what kind of cup I'm drinking out of.  

But then, solving the problems would show real strength and leadership.  There is none of that out there.  Real strength doesn't feel the need to dehumanize and humiliate its employees. 

And since we have no leadership, and have to work such long hours, expect blogging to be a bit sporadic for a while.  For now, I'm going to bed.  

After I practice my piano for a few minutes.  


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