Monday, March 25, 2024

Random Thoughts Of A Monday Evening

1.  It's here!  My first catalog is here!

2.  I had my semi-annual dentist appointment today, and I have to get another crown.  He said he could do a filling, but a crown would be better, but it was my call and I chose the crown.  I made the appointment for the afternoon of April 25, because I already had a vacation day for my doctor appointment that morning.  Then I came home and double doctor appointment is April 30.  Sigh...

3.  You miss beautiful sunrises when you have to be at work at 5:00 AM.  Then you manage to catch the best one on Sunday. 

4.  We're expecting some severe weather tonight, but the worst is supposed to pass to the South of us.  I brought my outside plants inside, just in case. 

5.  My Sun filter for my phone camera arrived yesterday. 

Naturally, I had to run outside and try it out, even though it was cloudy. 

If it ever clears up, I'll try again, using my eclipse glasses to get better aim. 

6.  I was going to go get my oil changed in my car after my dentist appointment, since I was going to be in town anyway, but changed my mind when I saw what the weather was going to do.  I wanted to be home and hunkered down before the storms get here.  In hindsight, I had plenty of time, but better safe than sorry. 

7.  I've been mentally composing a blog post based on a meme a friend of mine posted a while back.  My internal dialogue went, "Yes, Jesus loves you just the way you are, but when you commit your life to him, he's going to clean your ass up!"  We had a good laugh about that -- after I repented, of course. 

8.  I seriously thought about cancelling my doctor appointment, but I think I'll just change my dentist appointment instead.  Provided I can get my vacation day changed, but since the 30th is on a Tuesday, it shouldn't be that hard.  

9.  I guess that's it for today.  I've got a new catalog to peruse. 

10.  Laters...

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