Monday, May 18, 2020


I'm such a klutz.  I have been all my life.  It gets frustrating sometimes, and I can be pretty hard on myself about it.  Even in my dreams...

Last night, for example.  My white headed shanty men and I were making some of our Suzie's favorite foods.  We were going to sneak them into the rehab place for her, because the food they served there wasn't very good.  I'd put the food into a couple of those plastic trays -- kind of like the rotisserie chickens come in, but not exactly --and was carrying it to the car when one of the shanty men (Billy, if you know who any of them are) said something to me.  I'm not sure what he said, but I carried all the food back into the house, 

where I promptly dropped both containers onto the floor, spilling the food all over the place.  

"Why am I always dropping everything???? Drop!  Drop! Drop!  All the time!" I screamed in my dream, and went into a full on melt down. It wasn't pretty.   If I acted like that in real life, I'd be ashamed of myself.  

Sometime later, my alarm went off and I began getting ready for work.  I washed my face, and dropped the towel onto the floor.  I brushed my teeth, and knocked my toothbrush container onto the floor.  I feed the dogs their breakfast, and spill about half the dog food onto the floor.  I crack out some ice for my water cup, and three ice cubes hit the floor...and all this before I even get to work.  

I make it through the work day, and when I get home, I go outside, dispatch another chipmunk to his eternal reward, and decide to spray the weed killer I'd bought on the creeping charlie in my front yard --and spray myself from head to toe...


Speaking of my white headed shanty men, I realize it's been a while since I shared a video.  I didn't want to bombard you.  However, I did recently find one I just had to share.  See, since the quarantine, they've had to cancel all their gigs, so they've been putting up things they call Mares Tales & Mackerel Scales.  They're posting them about once a week.  Some are videos from past concerts, but others are videos each one has recorded and posted.  You can watch them on their YouTube Channel.  

This is the most recent one, and one line in it has made me giggle ever since.  If you know me at all, you'll be able to pick it out right away.  Let me know if you do. 

*In the interest of full disclosure, I had to listen to it a couple of times to get my ear tuned to his accent.  I can understand the Swamp People no problem, but Cornish...not so much.  Heh, when I watched their movie, I had to put the subtitles on the first few times.  

Finally, I seem to have hurt my wrist somehow.  I'm not sure what I did, but it is very sore.  Those of you to whom I owe letters, it's going to be a minute, but I'll get to them eventually.  

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