Saturday, April 04, 2020

Lockdown Day 2

I stayed home.

Eh, I wasn't planning on going anywhere anyway.  The thing about it is, I did all my Saturday chores yesterday, so I had no chores to do today.  I thought, "Oh, goody!  I can be lazy all day."  The problem with that, though, was I couldn't find a movie I wanted to watch.  Or the ones I wanted to watch weren't available.  With not much to do, I got a bit bored.

I've used my third bedroom for storage ever since I moved into this house.

I keep saying, "When I get time, I'm going to clean it out," but I never do.

Several times, I've walked in there to clean it up, then get overwhelmed and walk right back out.  Today, I was sitting there, bored and restless, and I said, "At least I'll get all those empty boxes broken down and thrown away." 

I did that, then said, "Might as well throw out the rest of the garbage that's in here, too."  Old newspapers I'd saved for painting, dirty gloves, packing material, etc.  I got all that cleaned up, and next thing was to gather up all the yarn and put it into the closet. 

I've still got one more pile of stuff to go through, which I'll probably do next weekend, 

but for the most part, the room looks so much better already.

And look what I found while I was cleaning. 

It's not a surgical mask.  It's one I bought years ago when I was doing a bunch of belt sanding, and wasn't sure I even still had it. Heh, after months of telling us masks don't prevent the spread of COVID -19, the CDC is now recommending that we wear them.  Why the sudden change? 

As if that weren't enough, they're telling us not to wear surgical or medical masks, but to wear plain cloth.  But if plain cloth masks are useless against a virus, why even bother wearing one?  I guess if it makes people feel better... Heck, I saw people in Walmart yesterday wearing bandannas and dust masks. 

In the midst of all that cleaning, I finished another hat.

After putting it into the gift drawer, I went into the snake/craft/computer/storage room to get some more yarn.  You know, the room I'd just cleaned up. 

I can neither confirm nor deny that I may or may not have become momentarily confused as to where I was.

No, I didn't get lost!  I did not get lost in my own house! 

I don't want to talk about it. 

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