Saturday, March 28, 2020

I Can't See

I had this post all planned out for you yesterday.  Oh, it was a good post.  It would have made you laugh.  It would have made you cry.  It would have moved you. 

See, I was going to write all about the Thor's Day mayhem at work.  You know, how everything seems to fall apart on Thursday.  I was going to tell you how  Part Stager asked me if I wanted her to hold a certain order for me, or if she should give it to Other Brazer, and how I told her to give it to Other Brazer, because I didn't want the line to catch up with me.  And I was going to tell you how she didn't give it to Other Brazer, and didn't tell me she hadn't given it to Other Brazer and the line caught up to me.

I was going to tell you that a certain order had the headers made wrong, and they re-did them -- also wrong.  So they had to re-do them again, and by that time the line was down waiting on them.  Group Leader Shark brought me a few, and when I went to get some more from the guy who brazes the tap fittings, he didn't have any more ready.  Apparently, no one had told him the line was down waiting on them, so he was working on something else. 

Then I was going to tell you that I finally got them done, and the next order had one of the adapter tubes bent wrong, so I had to get them redone.  At this point, I went and asked Group Leader Shark if I could have a do over on the day.  Just go back to bed, wake up and start completely over.  She said no, but when I told her what was wrong, she said, "Oh, these people!" and was probably wanting a do-over herself.

And I was going to tell you how it would seem Loki, the Norse god of mischief hasn't succumbed to the corona virus after all. Then I was going to top it all off by telling you that along about 2:30, it occurred to me it wasn't Thor's Day after all.

It was Freya's Day. 

Heavy sigh...I'm not even on lock down, and I still don't know what day it is... 

In the end, you didn't get that post, because the pollen count was so high these last couple of days.  My eyes are so crusted and swollen that I can't even see.  Today isn't much better, but we've got some storms coming through tonight that should settle the pollen some. 

And now for some good news.  I got up and went to the store this morning.  No, that's not the good news.  The good news is, when I got there, I found this: 

Toilet paper on the shelves.  There was also hand soap, but still no bleach or Lysol.  The ramen aisle was about half full, and the coffee aisle looked pretty full as well.  This is how the free market adjusts to a crisis.  It eventually corrects itself, and products become available again. 

You don't see that in a socialist country. 

Just ask Venezuela.

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