Saturday, November 26, 2005

Teatime again...

Well, one holiday is done for the year, and a good holiday it was. Now is a good time to relax with a cup of tea before the frantic preparations begin for the next one.

Looking back, I think I should have concentrated on the cup and left the saucer off. However, this one was done within 5 minutes.

As I was getting my Christmas decorations out yesterday, I became really discouraged. You see, one of the hurricanes dropped a big limb right in the middle of my storage building. I keep my decorations in big Sterlite boxes, and one of them was damaged when the limb fell. Nearly everything in that box had to be thrown out. I had to keep reminding myself how lucky we really were. After all, we just lost a few things. There are people down on the coast who lost everything.
Finally, here are the kids anticipating Thanksgiving dinner. Did you know pumpkin pie counts as a vegetable.?

This is Shelbi, age 11, Brittani, age 9, and Cody, age 12.

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