Sunday is September 1st, and September 1st is the first day of meteorological fall, so I'm going with it. And the cold front is pushing through right now so it's going to cool off really quickly. Most importantly, we're getting rain! I swan my yard was so dry the grass crunched when I walked on it.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Not Friday
Sunday is September 1st, and September 1st is the first day of meteorological fall, so I'm going with it. And the cold front is pushing through right now so it's going to cool off really quickly. Most importantly, we're getting rain! I swan my yard was so dry the grass crunched when I walked on it.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
About Yesterday
The plan was to grab a quick shower, then sit down and write a blog post for you. However, just as I was walking into the bathroom, I heard a text message alert on my phone. "Eh, it's another political text," I said to myself, then went to check it so it'd stop chirping.
Much to my surprise, it wasn't a political text at all. It was Cody! They were on their way home from their trip to Alaska, driving down from Memphis and wanted to stop by and visit. OK, they didn't drive all the way to Alaska. They'd driven up to Memphis to leave their cat with Brennan's parents, then flew out of Memphis. They got back yesterday morning, then drove on home later that evening.
Anyway, they stopped by and visited for about an hour, then went on home. I gave them a jar of the salsa I'd bought at the farmer's market, and three jars of pickled peppers. I forgot to give them a jar of the Jalapenos, though. Just the banana peppers and the mixed peppers I bought at the store. I told them to tell me how they liked them, explaining that I'd just found some recipes on the internet and winged it. I haven't heard from them yet, but I hope they turned out good. The peppers, I mean.
After they left, I took my long awaited shower, but you didn't get your blog post. I'd write it for you now, but I can't remember what I was going to talk about. It must not have been that important.
In less pleasant news, the plant ran off another good supervisor. I don’t know what happened but he had just had enough and went to Milwaukee Tools. They always seem to do that -- run the good ones out of there. Of course, the Spawn of Satan supervisor will be there until kingdom come...
But a bit of better news, they're actually giving us the weekend off. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised. And my new paint sprayer came in just in time.
Monday, August 26, 2024
Just nope. Come on Autumn!
Sunday, August 25, 2024
It’s A Start
I think it will look nice when it's done.
Friday, August 23, 2024
Long Week
I intended to blog yesterday, but it was another one of those days when I was so tired I couldn't lift my arms. I didn't have a whole lot to say anyway, but I wanted to mention that I'd gotten my little muscadine seeds planted. I want to get an arbor built to train them on -- provided they germinate and grow, that is. I'm thinking the west side of my house in that newly fenced in area might be good for that, and I can hang a swing chair under it.
I don't know. I get these images in my head of the way I want things to be, but I don't know how to go about making those images come about in real life. They never seem to work out as well as I pictured them.
In other news, I'd found the movie version of Misty of Chincoteague on FreeVee and started watching it Wednesday, but was so tired I couldn't even finish. I turned it off and went to bed -- where I tossed and turned long enough that I thought, "I could have finished my movie at this rate!"
I finally fell asleep, and after a long, hot day at work, finished watching it yesterday. It was pretty good, and stuck close to the book for the most part. There were some variations, but not too many. I finished the book today, but haven't decided what I'm going to read next. I think I might read Thomas Jefferson And The Tripoli Pirates.
I've heard his books are pretty readable, but haven't read one myself yet, even though I bought Sam Houston And The Alamo Defenders four years ago. Hmmm, I'd better get on that one, too.
And finally, my sister's surgery went well. They didn't have to do surgery on her left arm, but had to put a plate and several screws into her right arm. She's doing fine, but is in a lot of pain right now. I'm sure she'd appreciate your continued prayers.
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Changed My Mind
I'll get them planted this weekend. Or maybe here in a few minutes. I don't know if they'll even grow, but we'll see.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
The Plan
Well, I reckon that's it for tonight...oh wait! I remembered what else I was going to tell you about. Remember how they said all the managers will be out on the floor watching us at work? We have really lucked out because the one in our department is the maintenance supervisor and he's usually too busy keeping the place running to worry about the little nitpicky stuff the front office is getting so bent out of shape over.
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Too Hot For This
No power means no air conditioning, and it's 101° outside.
But, thanks to modern technology, I was still able to watch Marcy's vlog on my phone and read my Kindle book when I'd finished with that, and thanks to the foresight of my buying a solar charger, I didn't have to worry about my battery running down. And thanks to whoever built this house back in the 60s, it's pretty tight, so it didn't get unbearably hot in here. Oh, it got warm but not nearly as hot as it gets at work. Still, I was actually in the bathroom getting ready to go ride around in my car for a bit to cool off when the power came back on.
I'm not completely sure what caused the outage, because for once, Entergy didn't send me a text. Some people in one of the local groups said it was another car wreck -- we'd had one earlier this week that knocked the power out but I was already at work for that one -- and others said a power line fell for no apparent reason and set a pasture on fire. I guess we'll never know for sure, but at least the air is back on now.
And I got this much done on a new hat while I was in the dark. Well, the semi-dark. I still had my Harvey lantern to light my way.
OK, moving right along...
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Bad To Worse
Prolly tomorrow I'll cast on with one of them. Likely the black and gray, because I want to see how it knits up. And prolly tomorry, I'll finally get that vlog recorded for you.
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Fat Lot Of Good
I was going to record a vlog for you, but it rained right before we got off of work and it was soooo very steamy outside, I couldn't stand being out there long enough to do it. Maybe I can do it this weekend.
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Apparently there were shenanigans at work last night.
I won't go into any detail about the aforementioned shenanigans, mainly because I wasn't there and don't really know what happened. All I'll say is my first thought when I heard about them was, "Oh, Lord! What else are they going to take away from us now?"
If things keep going the way they are, pretty soon they'll require us to strip nekkid before we walk into the plant.
On a similar note, COVID is going around again. I think about half the plant has it now, including one of the brazers. Well, I don't know for sure, but I'm about 99% positive he has it because his wife came down with it a few days ago. The bad part is, he refused to leave work. He said he didn't want to get a point.
Funny, he didn't have a problem getting a point a few weeks ago when he want to go home and take a nap.
Anyway, I spoke to Group Leader Shark and she said they can't make him leave if he doesn't want to. They can't even make him put on a mask, so he just stood there all day, dripping COVID germs all over the rest of us. I said, "Well, if we all get COVID and are all off next week, they're going to wish they'd made him go home!"
The only other thing I have for you today is that I finally finished reading The Boy Of Chaotic Making, by Charlie N. Holmberg. It was pretty good, but dragged a bit more than the first two did. Still, the ending was worth it. There will be a fourth book coming out soon in that series, but in the meantime, I'm going to re-read The Witch Of Blackbird Pond, by Elizabeth George Speare.
Well, the fence guy is making good progress, but it's slow going by my standards. He's still got to work his regular job, then comes over for an hour or two after that to work on my fence. I'll be glad when he's done. Last night, he was here until 8:30 sawing and banging and drilling...
I don't want to stop him, though, because the faster he's done, the faster I can go back to my peaceful evenings at home without anyone in my yard.
And for that, I can't wait!
Monday, August 12, 2024
Coming Along
So, yesterday the fence guy came out by and pulled up all the old fence, along with the dog kennel. Well, the fence part anyways. He said he wouldn't be able to pull up the slab, but I can probably find someone who can. I wish I'd known ahead of time, so I could have hat that taken care of before he even came out here.
Today he came back and set the fence posts.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Almost Ready
Once I get my new fences in, I'll find a more permanent spot for it, but for now, that's where it sits. I might even get one of those big compost bins from Amazon and put it back into the same corner. I don't know. I have a while to decide yet.
Friday, August 09, 2024
Well, Well, Well...
Thursday, August 08, 2024
What's Going On?
I don't know what in the world is going on with Blogger, or even if it is Blogger.
The last few days, I haven't been able to embed videos, and today I can't even upload photos. Again, just like with the videos, I've tried multiple browsers, including my phone and nothing has worked. Not that I had anything exciting to show you. It was just photos showing how much of my compost I've gotten moved out of the fence guy's way and where I put it -- so just imagine a slightly less high pile of yard waste, and some dirt in a circle in the middle of grass.
I do wonder if them losing the anti trust case has anything to do with it, but I can't see why.
Anyway, other than that, the only thing I was going to talk about is that we had another big meeting at work this afternoon. Remember that fight I told you about yesterday? Apparently, several people filmed it and posted it to their social medias and the powers that be were not happy about that. He warned us about posting stuff, and I know I'm probably skirting the edge of acceptability, but I do try to be discreet and not name names or go too much into detail. But really, I'm past the point of caring.
You know the old saying Never push your employees to the point they no longer care? Yeah, that ship sailed years ago.
Oh, and I found out that the fight between the women wasn't a fist fight, but a shouting match. Still, the police were already there and were able to diffuse the situation before it got out of hand. So, today at the meeting The Big Man Up Front was talking about treating each other with dignity and respect, and oh the irony, because they don't treat us with dignity or respect at all.
He was up there talking about increasing safety measures, and if the rumors I'm hearing are true, not a single thing they're considering will do a flippin' bit of good. He ought to know that, too, being a military man, but what can you do? I mean, they said when they made us switch to those stupid clear bags it would solve all our problems, then when they installed the turnstiles it would solve all of our problems. Now this...I'll tell you more about it as I find out, because right now it's all just rumor.
They did mention that they would be getting us new lockers, enough for all the employees to have one. I just hope the new one I get isn't a top locker. That's what I have now, and have to stand on an overturned parts bin to get into it. Which is a safety hazard. Not that they care about safety. They just care about giving the appearance of caring about safety, which is why they are so pedantic about those awful arm guards we have to wear.
As if to add salt to the wound, they've changed our Saturday working hours from 5-2 to 6:00 - 3:00. I caught Cuz and asked him why the change, and he said it was because people were saying they couldn't make it to work at 5:00 on Saturday -- the same people who come to work at 5:00 every other day of the week, mind you. They were about to point out a bunch of them, so they decided to change the hours. \
I said, "Getting off at 2:00 on Saturday was the one bright spot in our miserable week, and you've even taken that away from us!"
But now, since I still have to go in at 4:00 AM, I'm going to bed.
Wednesday, August 07, 2024
But, But, But, I Thought...
Tuesday, August 06, 2024
I put it onto the charger until I left for work, then snuck my spare charger into the plant and put a bit more charge on it until the bosses all got there. I figured if all those other people can play on their phones all day, I can sneak a charge for 45 minutes. I managed to get it up to 75%, which was enough to read on my book over lunch break.
But the day just went down hill from there. Every single order I got today had something wrong with it. Every. Single. One. For example, I got one order that was short 85 adapter tubes. How did I know? Because the parts stager had written "Re-cut 85 more" right there on the parts ticket. I kept walking over to tubing to see if they were ready, but the weren't. When I'd finally run out of the parts, I looked one more time, then went and asked the parts stager if she'd ordered them. She said, "No," and I said, "Why not?" Then she got mad at me. For asking her why she hadn't ordered parts she obviously knew I would need.
Then I got into it with one of the tap fitting brazers when he brought a header that I'd ordered yesterday. 1 said, "I don't need it now! I needed it yesterday!" Then I said, "Beats me why they don't make y'all count your parts!" He said, "Nobody counts their parts. They've got a counter on all of the machines, and all they have to do is mash that little button, but they don't do it."
And I said, "Neither do you!" and turned my back on him.
Now for a bit of good news. The fence guy got back to me yesterday with a quote that I thought was fair, and honestly was about what I'd figured it to be anyway. Plus it was well under the budget I'd set for that section of the fence. I said it was OK, and asked how he would like me to pay. I said I could write a check, swipe a card, or do an electronic transfer.
He said, "Cash."
Cash? That wasn't one of the options. I said I'd have to get back to him. So this afternoon, I messaged him and said, "I know you wanted cash, but please can I pay by credit card or electronic transfer?" I explained that I don't have a local bank so getting ahold of that much cash is difficult. Seriously, the closest thing they have listed as a branch is the ATM in the Circle K gas station. Yeah, I can take out a few hundred from there, but don't feel safe at all trying to withdraw multiple thousands of dollars like that.
He said I could pay by Zelle, but for some reason I couldn't get it to work. It kept saying the transaction couldn't be sent at this time, and I never could figure out why. Maybe because I'd just activated my Zelle, since I normally use Paypal for such things. After much shouting and a few unwholesome words for which I had to repent, I apologized and told him Zelle wasn't working, and was there another app he could use.
So he downloaded Paypal and set that up, and it took some doing, but I finally got his payment sent. Alas, they put a 24 hour hold on it -- I guess because his account was so new. We're going to wait and see, then go from there.
I kept apologizing for not being able to figure this out, and he kept saying it's OK, we'll get it worked out. All that to say, if we can get all this payment business worked out, they're going to put up my new fence this weekend.
I'm also trying to be supportive, because I know they're just trying to get their business up and running -- and one of the brothers still has a full time job outside of the fencing company, but I'm going to give them a bit of a heads up. If they want to do business in the 21st century, they can't keep using 19th century methods. Like it or not, they're going to have to set up so they can swipe cards at some point, because frankly, if he'd told me it was cash or nothing, I'd have had to say I was going to go with another fencing company.
And finally, I have no idea why my Chosen had is on top of my air fryer, but if that doesn't show you what kind of day it's been, I don't know what will.
Sunday, August 04, 2024
Sunday Sunday
I've been doing this once or twice a year ever since they had to put her into a care facility a couple of years ago, but this year, I kind of let the stuff get away from me.
Saturday, August 03, 2024
Pumpkin Season
I hear he wants his dog back, too.
Thursday, August 01, 2024
Rebellious And Brave
For some reason, this plant is the one all the bugs like to eat, but hopefully, it'll be harder for them to find here on the baker's rack on my porch.